I managed to get out in the shop several times this week. Riveted the rear spar HS-609 bars to HS-603 rear spar, then attached the hinge brackets and center bearing. Unfortunately, I also learned about the perils of using an uncalibrated, borrowed torque wrench. I way over-torqued the bolts attaching HS-411! Quick email order to Vans for new bolts and nuts!! (Fortunately less than $8 plus mailing for the set - maybe the cheapest aviation-related purchase I've ever made). After searching options on Vans Air Force web site, I decided to purchase a ParkTool beam-type torque wrench calibrated in 0-60 inch pounds. $30 dollars to Amazon and one day later it's in hand! This weekend I finished the front spar assembly and riveted on the HS-801 left skin. Lots of practice in squeezing, riveting and drilling out bad rivets, but in the end I'm pretty happy with the result. Next - right side skin, then I'll have my first "congratulations - you've finished the first major sub-assembly on your new airplane" (to quote page 6-4 of the Van's Construction Manual)!!
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